Sutton Tools go live with Microlistics WMS Enterprise

Manufacturers face a continuous need to balance production capability and flexibility with capacity. Planning production to allow for necessary lead times is difficult.
Microlistics WMS allows your business to operate at full capacity by giving visibility and control over both production and distribution.
With Microlistics WMS, you can obtain the full benefit of Lean and just-in-time manufacturing methodologies. At the back end, Microlistics WMS directs raw materials directly into production, or storage where it can be pulled as needed, optimising storage utilisation and reducing line delays.
At the front end Microlistics WMS manages finished goods distribution, minimising storage by leveraging just-in-time replenishment, compressing lead times from production to distribution, and sending end product directly into waiting transport.
Order accuracy and fulfilment, and replenishment speed, are critical for inbound material and line-side replenishment.
Microlistics WMS gives you end-to-end visibility with a single view of orders, shipments and inventory across your network. It allows you to monitor, in real-time, inbound receiving, materials storage, work-in-process staging, kitting, finished inventory storage, and shipping. It also integrates seamlessly with your ERP/MRP and includes tools that manage global sourcing and provide end-to-end supply chain visibility.
As a manufacturer, you must have the flexibility to handle traditional full pallet movements, smaller store-ready assortments, and even pieces shipped direct or via drop-ship so that you can capitalise on new customer service opportunities.
With Microlistics WMS, finished goods can be allocated straight from the production line to transport, facilitating a highly efficient, just-in-time loading process.
This shipment planning process allows better resource planning decisions, lowering overall transportation spend and transit times.
Optimise shipments through shipment consolidation, and at the same time comply with your customer’s shipping and labelling requirements, reducing your transportation spend and chargebacks.
A product/SKU based solution powered by data driven automations and pre-built processes, including kitting and bill of materials.