Thomas Foods
Case Studies

Cold stores must adhere to government-mandated food safety requirements around temperature control, batch, lot, use-by and shelf life, as well as catch-weight, variable weight and blast freezing.
These compliance rules are built right into Microlistics WMS, including handling requirements, help ensure that staff adhere to regulations, and food safety remains a top priority.
When it comes to zone and product temperatures, you can’t compare apples to oranges. Every perishable product has distinct temperature and humidity storage needs.
Cold stores need a clear definition of temperature zones and control of the products that are stored within them to ensure maximum freshness.
Automating picking activity at date-level detail will not only also ensure product freshness, but also customer satisfaction.
Cold Store operators need to track and trace all inventory, by lot, batch, expiry and shelf life throughout the warehouse lifecycle. Tracking the product further along in the supply chain to the truck, pallet, carton, or receiving customer is also essential.
With Microlistics WMS, you will be able to locate all product attributes in your inventory and in customer hands and be able to certify safety procedures are met.
Recalls are labour intensive, and it is critical to be able to execute and account for the costs of a recall properly. Track recalled stock back to the originating vendors, purchase orders and/or clients at the detailed product level.
Beyond that, accurately document the actual labour costs of enacting the recall to seek proper reimbursement through auditing and validation of material records and tracked tasks.
Regardless of your role in the food supply chain – retailer, refrigerated storage, frozen food distributor or manufacturer – food safety is, and should be, the highest priority.
Confidence in your safe storage and transport processes enable you to go beyond compliance to optimise your operations for safety and performance.
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